December 22, 2011

Lost World of Tambun

Last Saturday, on our way to Penang, we made a stop over at Lost World of Tambun, a theme park managed by Sunway... (macam younger sister of Sunway Lagoon..).... It is much, much smaller than Sunway Lagoon, but it is a nice place to spend time with family....

Our passes to the theme park..... 

Before having fun, we decided to have lunch... semua orang dah lapar ... so to Golden Arch we went....

Me and the girls....

Where is the burger?????.... Kami semua kebulor, so burgers hilang dalam sekelip mata, hehehe....

Abang and Adik were having a serious discussion.... 

After lunch... we went to the park....

My Hubby and....

Adik...waiting for

Akak and Abang to.....
take a ride.... Why Abang yawned???? Its too boring, not as exciting as the one in Sunway Lagoon... 

Queuing for another ride.... 

Bring your own float, girls.....

Adik said "Best Abah.... Adik tak takut pun".....

Waiting and waiting and waiting ........

While the children were having fun at the lazy river, Hubby went to this area.....

Having chat with Mr Nagarajah, listening to......

"The Tin Story".....

and how Tambun got its name......

Then we went to the Team Building area... we want to try the "Zip Line".... or also known  as flying fox...

Hubby and Abang ready to take the challenge.....

Ready to take the plunge.....

Yeay... we done it.......

See... I am still ok.....

Akak is ready to take the challenge....

We flied together...... 

Family photo on the way back to the hotel

Another family photo

On the way back, Hubby found this Ducati......

and these..... and now he was sooo "Duka Hati"... coz it is something that he can only admire....

We also met Putra and Jazz Boy at the theme park....

and Mr Lone Ranger.... kesian dia....

and finally we arrived at the hotel......

The journey to Penang will be continued........

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