December 7, 2011

Fidani Chocolate Cigar

Fidani Chocolate Cigars - Cuba

Sejak November, Akak sibuk nak belikan her Mentor hadiah. This person has a great influence in her study, but as a student the choices are limited. So one day masa kami jalan2 cari makan in one of the shopping mall, kami ternampak Fidani's booth. Kami pun apa lagi pusing2 cari the most suitable chocolate to be given as a present. 

We specifically asked the sales girl about Chocolate Cigars. Fidani sells two flavours; Cuba and Madagascar. Akak chose Cuba flavours, and she bought two boxes.

One for Akak's mentor and one for Abah

Look like cigar with the individual packaging....

Does it smell like cigar???

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