December 29, 2011

Hard Rock Hotel Penang Part1

Kami sambung perjalanan ke utara... Penang!!!! So right after breakfast at the Lost World of Tambun, we checked out and continue our journey to Penang.

Light at the end of the tunnel... Menora Tunnel.... Is there any "now you see , now you don't" car here????

Yessss!!! We reached Penang bridge in the afternoon... 

Penang Island here we come!!!!

Masjid Negeri... cantik kan...

Pick your choice....

We are getting nearer to the destination... by the sea!!!!

Here we are!!! Hard Rock Hotel

Checked in.. we want adjoining rooms 

Elvis in my bathroom... I got what I wanted.. me and Elvis in the bathroom

and sleeping accompanied by Beatles... 

Alamak, lupa pulak nama penyanyi ni... he is a legend... macam mana boleh lupa

Our bed.... 

and we have guitar on our pillow cases

Deco at the entrance, nice....

We met MJ on our way to Hard Rock Cafe

Adik and I

Family photo session while waiting for our dinner

Hubby and Abang ready to watch the live band

Akak waiting for our dinner

Our starter, pumpkin soup and garlic bread

Legendary Burger, rocking yummy

The Platter

Having dinner while watching live band.. These guys were really good...

We ended our dinner with Brownies and ice cream. It was sooo good...

Donation from Ella and Zainal

..... to be continued.......

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