February 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Mazy

On 22nd Feb, Mazy (my Boss's secretary) celebrated her birthday. She organised makan2 session during lunch time at the office. I told her that I will take care of the cake. It has been quite sometimes I am planning to make handbag cake. I search the internet, and saw soooo many handbag cakes... The cakes look like the real handbag.... Amazing...

I decided to proceed with my plan... I have to make the handbag cake... The result???? My first attempy in making handbag cake.......

Blue Handbag Cake

There are so many improvement need to be made.... Nothing compared with handbag cake decorated by the sifu .... Macam langit dengan bumi... Kena attend more classes and read more books...

Mazy and the cake....

The cake......

Although this is my first attempt in decorating handbag cake, Mazy was happy with her cake... Nothing is more satisfying than the endorsement from the customer. It really makes my day....

February 24, 2010

The importance of having uninterrupted, peaceful & restful sleep

Sejak 2 tahun yg lalu saya sering mengalami sakit tulang belakang. Jumpa specialist, buat x-ray for the whole body, result showed nothing irregular... So, I end up buat physiotheraphy... Saya pernah mencuba chiropractic, tapi seperti biasa this thing come and go... bila penat or stress datang lah sakit tu...

Sejak bulan puasa tahun lalu, saya mencuba Contiago bio-ion therapeutic mattress pad dan sekarang sakit tulang belakang saya semakin berkurangan, jarang sekali menyerang.. Lega.... Sekiranya anda berminat untuk memiliki mattress pad ini atau inginkan keterangan dengan lebih lanjut, boleh lah hubungi saya either through phone or email as stated in this blog. Untuk keterangan dalam Bahasa Melayu, sila tekan di sini.

Below is the excerpt of the product description from the company website:

The importance of having uninterrupted, peaceful & restful sleep:

Sleeping well at night without any interruptions in between is vital for all of us, be it young or old, men or women. Having enough restful sleep at night enables us to perform better during the day. On the contrary, fitful sleep can lead to an array of physical, mental and psychological problems, including constant fatigue, sleepiness during the day, inability to focus or concentrate on a particular task, indecisiveness, increased agitation and irritability, and feelings of depression. Various research studies have shown that lack of sleep may also make us more vulnerable to high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes. Fortunately, there are many ways in which we can improve our quality of sleep. The Contiago range of Bio-ion Therapeutic Mattress Pad, Scientific Pillow and Bolster are specially designed to help you achieve pure sleeping comfort and give you the high quality sleep your body needs in order to function at an optimal level.

Contiago bio-ion therapeutic mattress pad

The Contiago Bio-ion Therapeutic Mattress Pad utilises a unique combination of 11 special layers of top quality materials to provide a firm yet gentle head, cervical, spinal and body support and a superior ergonomic structure design that adjusts to the individual body's contour, continually self-adjusting to relieve pressure points with built-in ventilation pockets and a peaked foam surface to promote air circulation for a more comfortable sleeping surface. The mattress pad is superbly constructed and crafted with high quality foam and other materials such as synthetic lamb's wool enclosed in a very attractive and comfortable high quality patterned anti-dust mite Damask Jacquard fabric covering that gives it a luxurious and smooth feel. Besides providing Far Infrared, Bio-Magnetic, Jade Mineral Stone and Negative Ion functions, it also includes special high quality insulated carbon heating elements that are able to produce naturally safe and vital thermal heat effect for unmatched benefits to optimise your well being as you sleep away in a relaxed, deep and most comforting sleep.

Contiago bio-ion therapeutic mattress pad (king) - PC 3115

Contiago bio-ion therapeutic mattress pad(queen) - PC 3116

Contiago bio-ion therapeutic mattress pad (single) - PC 3117

Special features of contiago

1. Far infrared function
FIR produced by specially treated fabric with powerful bio-ceramics and Jade Mineral Stones help to promote the growth and vitality of living cells in the human body.

2. Bio-magnetic function
Powerful Permanent Magnets embedded in the polyurethane foam helps to improve deep tissue penetration that energises the body much faster and more efficiently for its own self-healing mechanism.

4. Thermal function
A combination of a special layer interlaced with high quality isolated carbon heating element that is able to produce naturally safe and vital thermal heat effect for promoting blood circulation and revitalisation in the body system.

5. Jade mineral stone function
Able to emit negative ion, far infrared rays as well as vital "life" energies that can help to enhance the biological function of body cells and increase blood circulation.

6. Negative-ion function

negative ions that are produced by the specially treated fabric and Jade Mineral Stones are also known as "good ions" or "happy ions", are believed to be able to energise human cells and improve body's immune system.

7. Pure comfort
Its superb ergonomic contour design provides proper head, neck and spinal support to prevent you from getting neck aches during the day, at the same time, helps you to sleep more soundly throughout the night.

8. Anti-dust mite function
The luxurious Damask Jacquard layer is specially treated with a laborious treatment process that imparts its unique and effective anti-dust mite properties, thus, providing you with the best defence against most know types of dust mites.

Contiago bio-ion therapeutic mattress pad product warranty
The Contiago Bio-ion Therapeutic Mattress Pad is covered by a 1 year Product Warranty that ensures you peace of mind in using this unique product to your full enjoyment.

Thiyagharajhun & Malany

"With God as Our Guide, Let Us Take,

  • the first step to nourish each other

  • the second step to grow together in strength

  • the third step to preserve our wealth

  • the fourth step to share our joys and sorrows

  • the fifth step to care for  our children

  • the sixth step to be together forever

  • the seventh step to remain lifelong friends, the perfect halves to male a perfect whole
With the seven steps we become friends. Let me reach your friendship. Let me not be severed from your friendship. Let your friendship not be severed from me"

(I copied the above from Malany's invitation card.)

February 19, 2010

Valentine's Day Theme Wedding Cake

Late last year Mazy (my Boss's secretary) told me that her brother wedding reception most probably will be held on Valentine's Day... It is sooo romantic... She told me that she want me to bake and decorate the wedding cake... Dengan hati terbuka saya terima tawaran yang datang bergolek....

In January this year, Mazy confirmed the reception date, and it is on 13 Feb 2010... Just a day before Valentine's Day... Well it is still ok... Although the reception is just a day earlier, Mazy wanted something related to Valentine's Day... Mazy chose 3 tiers heart shape wedding cake... She also told me that the theme color of the reception is blue....

So saya pun membelek2 buku yang ada dalam simpanan. Saya amat tertarik dengan Butterfly Kisses by May Clee-Cadman from the book with the title of Sweet and Simple Party Cake. The Butterfly Kisses design is simple but very2 sweet... I love the butterfly...

Below is my adaptation of Butterfly Kisses design by May Clee-Cadman ....

Top tier ......

Prior to delivery..... Test run at home....

(My family and I went to a wedding reception last year and saw the wedding cake was a bit "senget" ... Sebab tu kena buat test run at home.... kena make sure everything is in order....)

The cake.... at the wedding reception

Another view with the pelamin at the background

Selain dari wedding cake, Mazy also ordered cupcakes as a gift for the guests... Saya menggunakan tema yang serupa, combination of blue and pink... two shades of pink, deep pink and light pink...


Cupcake in individual casing ready for delivery.....

"Mazy, thanks for the order.... Semoga your brother and his wife berbahagia hingga ke akhir hayat"

February 16, 2010

My Journey from Shah Alam to KL

HariRabu yang lalu memang agak malang buat saya.... Pagi2 kelam kabut hantar Adik pergi sekolah then terus pergi kerja. Traffic jam seperti biasa.... Dan seperti biasa dari Shah Alam ke KL saya ikut beberapa highways, walaupun agak jauh, perjalanan tak seteruk Federal Highway. While queing nak exit form NPE tiba2 kereta dari belakang hit my car....

"Alamak... Mati lah aku....." Hari ni saya bawa kereta my hubby... "Apa nak jawab ni...".  Keluar dari kereta saya pun tanya lelaki yang langgar kereta saya... "Why do you hit my car?" and he said "I got distracted" Nak marah kesian lah pulak... sebab dia bawa baby.. Nasib baik baby dia tak apa2... Then kami exchanged phone no and he promised he will pay for the repair. Nasib baik kereta my hubby tu calar sikit jer.... Kalau teruk tak tau nak cakap...

Inilah bumper belakang kereta my hubby (oopppss kereta berhabuk lah)..... Tak teruk sangat, tapi calar sepanjang bumper..... Susah nak explain ni.... "Sorry Darling.... Orang langgar .... "

Sampai ofis, saya pun siapkan mana2 yang urgent, then minta permission from my boss (Eta's x-boss) nak keluar sekejap. Nak settlekan kereta... Nasib baik lah my boss ni very understanding... The most important kerja2 siap...

Then, saya pun balik ke Shah Alam cari workshop... I went to the showroom, the guy who is responsible handling accident cases said kalau nak paint balik the bumper will cost me more than RM1,000... Mahal tu.. Although Warren (orang yang langgar saya) janji dia nak tanggung, tapi mahal lah... Kesian dia.... dah lah tu dia nak celebrate Chinese New Year, kena repair kereta dia dan juga kena tanggung kereta saya pulak... Lastly, Warren asked me to repair the car at the workshop that reparing his car... some where in Kinrara and cost him a fraction than the earlier quote... Ok lah... So I am planning to send the car to the workshop after CNY...

On the way balik to ofis, saya rasa amat mengantuk.... Tersengguk2... Bila sampai kat toll plaza, saya ikut Lorong Smart Tag.... "Ehhh kenapa barrier tak naik????"  Saya pun reverse kereta ke belakang sikit sebab nak tekan intercom.... Saya pun belek2 smart tag kat tangan... "Ehhh kenapa smart tag ni warna pink... Alamak ni handphone, bukan smart tag!!!!" Saya pun capai "the smart tag" and put it on the windscreen, barrier pun terangkat... Legaa.... Nasib baik belum intercom the staff at the toll plaza, kalau tak maluuuuuu!!!!!.....

My Phone....

My Smart Tag....

Kan berbeza tu... Ini lah gara2 memandu semasa mengantuk... Jangan di buat, bahaya and can caused accidents...

February 6, 2010

Strawberry Cake

Hari ni pagi2 after breakfast saya buat strawberry cake. Cuba recipe baru... I have been looking for good strawberry cake, tried a few recipes but semua macam tak berapa menepati citarasa kami...

Hari ini saya agak bertuah, cake dapat dolby mark from my children, especially Akak. Before this, setiap kali saya buat strawberry cake, dia rasa sikit jer.. "Tak suka strawberry cake"...  Tapi, kali ni, dia makan banyak kali... Kata Akak, "Sedap giler, TAHAP GABAN" (Sebenarnyer saya tak faham apa maksud tahap gaban ni. Ini kena tanya Akak....)

Ini lah strawberry cake saya. Unfortunately, strawberry tak cukup.. I went to Just Fruit @ USJ Taipan, tapi hari ni strawberry tak banyak... Managed to buy only one box, dan sampai rumah, Adik cukai buah strawberry... So strawberry yang sedikit tu semakin berkurangan

...It's ok Adik, don't worry... you can eat all strawberry if you want.... Nanti kita pergi kedai buah kita beli lagi, ok......

February 4, 2010

Happy Birthday Batrisyia

Kami sekeluarga menyambut harijadi Batrisyia yang ke 10 pada hari minggu yang lalu. My Hubby and I decided to invite her friends and Aiman's friends as well. Aiman tak pernah mengajak kawan2 datang ke rumah sebelum ini......

Dan untuk pertama kali dalam hidup, saya masak Laksa Johor!!! Puas called kakak2 saya di Johor minta recipe... Selama ini saya cuma suruh kakak2 buat untuk kami, dan kali ini anak2 pula nak saya masak Laksa Johor... They prefer homemade... Yer lah, I always told them, "Umi masak with love, sebab tu sedap". Perasan lah pulak, hehehe....

Siap jer kuah laksa,  spaghetti dan ulam2, Akak pun buat food testing... Dia kata "Sedap, macam laksa Mak Long, Mak Ngah dan Cik Nor". So kira Ok lah tu... Legaaa... Boleh bagi kawan2 Batrisyia and Aiman makan... Setiap kali saya cuba masakan baru (kira first time try), anak2 dan suami jadi "food tester". Kalau dapat dolby mark from them, then next time boleh buat, kalau tak dapat, cukup hanya sekali......

For her birthday cake, Batrisyia wanted chocolate cake (her favorite) with fairy as the theme... She chose fairy cake from Sugar Craft magazine. Adik ni very demanding..... Buat figurine fairy lah pulak... I went to Wilton @ PJ to buy the mold to make the fairy's head, tak ada lah pulak... Out of stock... The girl at the shop suggested I go to their outlet in Kota Damansara. Jauh lah pulak, so I decided buat sendiri lah kepala fairy tu.... So the result tak berapa memuaskan... Masa buat tu saya agak tergesa2, so mulut fairy agak comot.... Kesian Adik... Aiman kata "Fairy banyak sangat makan lollipop, sebab tu mulut dia comot". Macam2 lah Abang ni..... Akak pula kata "Fairy ni kan budak kecik, suka main lipstick, so comotlah". Adik macam kelat jer.... "Next time Umi buat cantik2 untuk semua orang, ok kan...."

Batrisyia's Birthday Cake

Batrisyia and her birthday cake

Another photo of Batrisyia

Batrisyia and her friends

Eh, bila pulak kawan2 Aiman conquer the dance mat????

Alamak, lupa lah nak snap photo of my Laksa Johor. The laksa was my achievement for the month of January, hehehe...

The party was ok... the girls were busy dancing on the dance mat. The game was initially organised by Akak, but mid way  through the game, the girls took over.. Aiman and the boys pulak busy playing PS3 FIFA football and Band Heroes game upstairs... Riuh rendah rumah kami di buatnyer.... Paling penting, semua orang happy...

My hubby and I told Batrisyia, her birthday party last week end will be her last birthday party celebrated with her friends... The next birthday will be celebrated only with Abah, Umi, Akak and Abang. We are too old to organise another birthday party for her.......