February 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Mazy

On 22nd Feb, Mazy (my Boss's secretary) celebrated her birthday. She organised makan2 session during lunch time at the office. I told her that I will take care of the cake. It has been quite sometimes I am planning to make handbag cake. I search the internet, and saw soooo many handbag cakes... The cakes look like the real handbag.... Amazing...

I decided to proceed with my plan... I have to make the handbag cake... The result???? My first attempy in making handbag cake.......

Blue Handbag Cake

There are so many improvement need to be made.... Nothing compared with handbag cake decorated by the sifu .... Macam langit dengan bumi... Kena attend more classes and read more books...

Mazy and the cake....

The cake......

Although this is my first attempt in decorating handbag cake, Mazy was happy with her cake... Nothing is more satisfying than the endorsement from the customer. It really makes my day....

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