February 4, 2010

Happy Birthday Batrisyia

Kami sekeluarga menyambut harijadi Batrisyia yang ke 10 pada hari minggu yang lalu. My Hubby and I decided to invite her friends and Aiman's friends as well. Aiman tak pernah mengajak kawan2 datang ke rumah sebelum ini......

Dan untuk pertama kali dalam hidup, saya masak Laksa Johor!!! Puas called kakak2 saya di Johor minta recipe... Selama ini saya cuma suruh kakak2 buat untuk kami, dan kali ini anak2 pula nak saya masak Laksa Johor... They prefer homemade... Yer lah, I always told them, "Umi masak with love, sebab tu sedap". Perasan lah pulak, hehehe....

Siap jer kuah laksa,  spaghetti dan ulam2, Akak pun buat food testing... Dia kata "Sedap, macam laksa Mak Long, Mak Ngah dan Cik Nor". So kira Ok lah tu... Legaaa... Boleh bagi kawan2 Batrisyia and Aiman makan... Setiap kali saya cuba masakan baru (kira first time try), anak2 dan suami jadi "food tester". Kalau dapat dolby mark from them, then next time boleh buat, kalau tak dapat, cukup hanya sekali......

For her birthday cake, Batrisyia wanted chocolate cake (her favorite) with fairy as the theme... She chose fairy cake from Sugar Craft magazine. Adik ni very demanding..... Buat figurine fairy lah pulak... I went to Wilton @ PJ to buy the mold to make the fairy's head, tak ada lah pulak... Out of stock... The girl at the shop suggested I go to their outlet in Kota Damansara. Jauh lah pulak, so I decided buat sendiri lah kepala fairy tu.... So the result tak berapa memuaskan... Masa buat tu saya agak tergesa2, so mulut fairy agak comot.... Kesian Adik... Aiman kata "Fairy banyak sangat makan lollipop, sebab tu mulut dia comot". Macam2 lah Abang ni..... Akak pula kata "Fairy ni kan budak kecik, suka main lipstick, so comotlah". Adik macam kelat jer.... "Next time Umi buat cantik2 untuk semua orang, ok kan...."

Batrisyia's Birthday Cake

Batrisyia and her birthday cake

Another photo of Batrisyia

Batrisyia and her friends

Eh, bila pulak kawan2 Aiman conquer the dance mat????

Alamak, lupa lah nak snap photo of my Laksa Johor. The laksa was my achievement for the month of January, hehehe...

The party was ok... the girls were busy dancing on the dance mat. The game was initially organised by Akak, but mid way  through the game, the girls took over.. Aiman and the boys pulak busy playing PS3 FIFA football and Band Heroes game upstairs... Riuh rendah rumah kami di buatnyer.... Paling penting, semua orang happy...

My hubby and I told Batrisyia, her birthday party last week end will be her last birthday party celebrated with her friends... The next birthday will be celebrated only with Abah, Umi, Akak and Abang. We are too old to organise another birthday party for her.......


  1. wah meriahnye besday pary najwa..wow my beloved aunt dh pndai masak laksa johor la...pasni leh ar rase laksa johor made by cik azi...he3

  2. Hidayah, boleh2, next time Dayah datang Shah Alam, Cik Azi masak laksa johor...
