February 19, 2010

Valentine's Day Theme Wedding Cake

Late last year Mazy (my Boss's secretary) told me that her brother wedding reception most probably will be held on Valentine's Day... It is sooo romantic... She told me that she want me to bake and decorate the wedding cake... Dengan hati terbuka saya terima tawaran yang datang bergolek....

In January this year, Mazy confirmed the reception date, and it is on 13 Feb 2010... Just a day before Valentine's Day... Well it is still ok... Although the reception is just a day earlier, Mazy wanted something related to Valentine's Day... Mazy chose 3 tiers heart shape wedding cake... She also told me that the theme color of the reception is blue....

So saya pun membelek2 buku yang ada dalam simpanan. Saya amat tertarik dengan Butterfly Kisses by May Clee-Cadman from the book with the title of Sweet and Simple Party Cake. The Butterfly Kisses design is simple but very2 sweet... I love the butterfly...

Below is my adaptation of Butterfly Kisses design by May Clee-Cadman ....

Top tier ......

Prior to delivery..... Test run at home....

(My family and I went to a wedding reception last year and saw the wedding cake was a bit "senget" ... Sebab tu kena buat test run at home.... kena make sure everything is in order....)

The cake.... at the wedding reception

Another view with the pelamin at the background

Selain dari wedding cake, Mazy also ordered cupcakes as a gift for the guests... Saya menggunakan tema yang serupa, combination of blue and pink... two shades of pink, deep pink and light pink...


Cupcake in individual casing ready for delivery.....

"Mazy, thanks for the order.... Semoga your brother and his wife berbahagia hingga ke akhir hayat"

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