June 13, 2011

Cuti Sekolah dah Habis????

Pagi ni kelam kabut betul... Hari pertama sekolah setelah cuti selama 2 minggu... Malasnys nak pergi kerja.... Setelah 2 minggu jalan lengang, kini kembali meredah jam...

Hari ni juga Afiqah started her practical tranining at ING Takaful... The office is located at Jalan Raja Chulan.... lubok jam tu... So she decided to car pool with me until KL sentral then take monorail until Chulan Station... Actually menumpang I lah hari2... Bagus jugak, tak payah lah dia nak drive ke city centre tu....

So, last friday, I took annual leave just nak tengok office ni, and how far it is from the station. Kami pun plan nak meronda KL... Adik and her best friend Sabrina pun nak ikut sama... Both of them seronok nak naik monorail ni.

Kami pun keluar pagi around 9am, hantar Abang tuisyen, then I drove to my office at Sentral. Parked my car at my office, then 4 of us walked to the monorail station. Jauh jugak monorail station ni from KL Sentral... We had to take staircase one level down and walked quite a distance along a narrow pathway (berdebu pulak tu, due to construction work), then cross the road to the monorail station. Berpeluh jugak lah di buat nya.

Our tickets

Adik and Sabrina

After we bought our ticket, we have to take escalator up....

Penatlah tunggu train tak sampai2... Rehat kejap lah

Nasib baik tak ramai orang, boleh lah duduk... kalau tak berhimpit lah.....

Ha... dah sampai tempat yang di tuju... sempat lagi posing tu.....

Waiting for our train back to KL Sentral.... Panas lah pulak... Akak berdiri di depan kipas untuk menyejukkan badan... Sejuk tak Akak?????


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