March 4, 2010

Blueberry Cake

I have been planning to bake blueberry cake. Last weekend, my sister in-law visited us, then I took this opportunity to bake this cake. I am using blueberry as the flavouring as it is tastier and taste better than the essence. I am trying my very best to use natural ingredients as flavouring ....

For vanilla cake, add seed from vanilla pods, for orange cake, add finely grated orange zest, for strawberry cake (the cake I baked last month) I added finely mesh strawberry and for this cake, I added finely mesh blueberry in the cake mix. And for the filling, I am using buttercream and blueberry jam. 

Anybody can make this cake, no sugarcraft techniques are required.... suitable for people like me... My sugarcraft techniques is very, very limited.... I need lots and lots of training to improve my skill further.... (Kena belajar banyak lagi dari sifu2 di Malaysia ni.... ). 

The closed up view.....

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