March 23, 2010

How To Order

How To Order

email 1:
email 2:

Ph: 03 - 5192 2551
HP: 019 - 318 9977

Location: Seksyen 26, Shah Alam

Sila berikan maklumat berikut:

* Nama
* No telefon
* email
* Perisa (flavour)
* Tema (theme)
* Kuantiti
* Budget
* Tarikh penghantaran

Sila buat tempahan anda sekurang-kurangnya 1 atau 2 minggu lebih awal sebelum majlis (untuk kek perkahwinan / hantaran sekurang-kurangnya 1 bulan lebih awal).

Pick Up Point

Weekdays / Office Hour (8am - 5pm)
Mercu UEM, KL Sentral

Weekend / After Office Hour / Public Holiday
Taman Bukit Saga, Seksyen 26, Shah Alam

Delivery only on weekend and public holiday
Kindly be informed, there will be additional charges for delivery. Delivery charges will be finalised upon order.

March 21, 2010

Handbag Cake

Yesterday I attended Hand Bag Cake Decorating class organised by Cupcakekasih. I made handbag cake before (please click here), however it was based on book and reading. I need to know the technique from the expert.

Keluar peluh dingin Jun semasa mengajar saya the technique membuat handbag cake ni... Saya ni pula "keras tangan". I guess due to age factor... So a bit slow..... Konon "a bit" or memang slow, hehehe.

I chose to have the handbag covered in candy colored fondant... Purple...

Lega bila melihat hasil kerja tangan..... Tidak sia2 saya menuntut ilmu dengan Jun.

Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Red Polka Dot .....

My friend ordered this cake for her engagement ceremony yesterday. She specifically wanted choc moist cake with red polka dots as decoI am having difficulties to decorate this cake, as my choc moist cake is very soft....

Selain dari texture cake yang lembut, saya menggunakan ganache sebagai filling. Agak susah juga lah nak tunggu ganache keras sedikit.... Kalau belum keras takut pula bahagian atas cake menggelungsur.... Cake ini pula amat special buat teman saya ini, ialah sebagai hantaran pertunangan... Mesti kena buat yang terbaik....

Luckily I managed to decorate the cake as requested.

 Masa buat cake ni, lagu Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini by Brian Hyland bermain2 di telinga...

I was given 3 days notice for this cake, so I just make use ready made roses as the cake topper. I hope my friend and her fiance like the cake.

Today I received SMS from my friend. She told me "semua cakap cake you lawa!!! Bila makan semua puji choc cake u sedap!" Lega bila dapat sms seperti ini....

Untuk my special friend ni saya doakan semoga berbahagia and berkekalan bersama orang tersayang sehingga ke ahir hayat. Amin.....

Spring Collection

"It's Springtime in Malaysia....Dream on...  Berangan lah....., kalau di Malaysia ni forever panas... Mungkin akan terus panas sampai April..... Ini baru panas di dunia... Bayangkan lah panas di akhirat nanti.... Takut bila memikirkannya.... "

Actually, I have chosen Springtime as the theme for my latest cake and cupcake decoration. My friend, Rose ordered vanilla cake for her beloved hubby and cupcakes for her children. She said she just want to have "makan-makan" with her family. Furthermore, her hubby and her son is going to Makkah for Umrah on Tuesday. She didn't have any specific theme, so its up to me... "Ini susah ni... nak kena fikir lah pulak.."

Since it is up to me, I have chosen springtime as the theme for the cupcakes. For the vanilla cake, I chose golf as the theme. Rose's hubby is an avid golfer.

This is the vanilla cake for Rose's hubby. For this cake I am using buttercream icing and figurine is non-edible figurine bought from one of the baking store.

This is the bunker.... One of my friend told me that she tought I celebrated St Patrick day, coz the color of the cake is sooo green. No, I don't celebrate St Patrick day....

The Spring Bloom and Laughing Ladybugs

Pink rosettes


Adam (Rose's son) is enjoying his cupcake....

March 8, 2010

Muffins of the Day

Muffins of the day:

Chocolate chips muffin
(my family's favourite)

Strawberry muffin

International Women's Day

I would like to wish "Happy International Women's Day" for all the women out there. International Women's Day has become a day of recognition of women's struggles, a celebration of women's successes, and a statement of a definitive stance against violence against women.

Actually, I got to know about this special day for women from the radio this morning. So sad.... I as a woman does not aware about the existence of International Women's Day.... I feel in Malaysia there is not much events organised for this day... Or is it due to my ignorance to my surrounding...

I found out there is one website dedicated for International Women's Day. Please click here for details. Out of 743 International Women's Day events worldwide listed in this website, only two events listed for Malaysia:

  1. International Women's Day organised by KANITA in Penang

  2. SWEPA INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY - " WOMEN IN ASEAN 2020" organised by Swepa in Sabah. 
After digging more info in the net, I found out that Unicef and 3R  are organising an event related to this special day on 13th March. Now the list of events is growing, and I don't think I can list down all in this blog.

I would like to share an excerpt from article about International Women's Day, written by Kevin Lynch,

1. While International Women's Day is now largely aimed at inspiring women across the world and celebrating their achievements, its roots are in movements campaigning for better pay and voting rights.

2. The first National Women’s Day was marked on 28 February 1909 in the United States after a declaration by the Socialist Party of America.

3. During an International Conference of Working Women in Copenhagen the following year, Clara Zetkin, leader of the 'Women's Office' for the Social Democratic Party in Germany, suggested the idea of an International Women's Day.

She proposed that every year in every country there should be a celebration on the same day. The idea was met with unanimous approval.

4. 1911 saw IWD honoured for the first time in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland on March 19. Over a million people attended rallies campaigning for women's rights to work, vote, be trained, to hold public office and end discrimination.

5. On the eve of World War I campaigning for peace, Russian women observed their first International Women's Day on the last Sunday in February 1913. In 1965, it was declared as a non working day in the USSR.

6. International Women's Day was transferred to 8 March that same year and has remained the global date for the event ever since.

7. In 1975, the United Nations gave official sanction to International Women's Day and began sponsoring it.

8. The United States now designates the whole month of March as 'Women's History Month'.

9. IWD is also an official holiday in 15 countries including China, Ukraine and Vietnam.

10. Over the past few years Google have marked the occasion with a “Google Doodle”, changing their logo on the search engine’s homepage to reflect the occasion. Sky News are marking today's 100th International Women's Day with an all female line-up.

Once again, Happy International Women's Day

March 6, 2010

The Flaming Red Lips

This post is not related to the Flaming Lips, an American rock band, formed in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Neither it is related to "How To Plump Up Your Lips Making Them Fuller" nor beauty products to make your lips as lovely as Angelina Jolie's lips.

Saya amat meminati Angelina Jolie's Lips...Lovely kan.... Probably, there isn't a woman that doesn't want to have lips like her.....

This post is about Cake Pops.... I made the Cake Pop two weeks ago..... I was inspired to make the cake pops from reading Bakerella website. I love her cake pops design... They are sooo cute and lovely...
These are my cake pops... Although they are not as lovely as Bakerella's cake pops, but considering that this was my first cake pops.... Kira ok lah tu.... Ini kena buat banyak lagi...

The lips design was inspired by Cupcakekasih. Cupcakekasih used this design for her cupcakes topper.  

March 5, 2010

Humaira Online Boutique

My sis-in-law, Aini is starting her homebased business recently, and as usual, I would like to "be involved" as well. Biasa lah tu kan... Seronok tau buat business from home, although buat secara kecil-kecilan, untung tak seberapa, tapi hati puas.... For now, we are doing it on part-time basis... Both of us are having full time job that we don't think we can just let it go....We do this business outside office hour and it is not related to our office work... My full time job is in IT and my part-time job, which is also my passion, is in cake decorating... My boss is fully aware about my involvement in cake decorating, but it is ok with him, as long as I deliver my responsibility and my other activities didn't interfere with my job...

Back to my partnership with my sis-in-law, we are selling items that are necessity for jemaah haji and umrah. Our products include kain ihram, telekung, jubah, socks, facial cleanser, moisturizer, etc... We even supply food supplement… All our products are locally made, halal and menepati syara’.

We can assure that most of our products are locally made…. Even the telekung, jubah, shirt and blouses are locally made… No doubt the imported telekung comes is various size, design, colors and materials, but sometimes the telekung can’t fit nicely. Ours is locally made and we make sure the telekung fits our customer nicely… It is very, very important as this involved with our aurat. Ye lah kalau telekung longgar, rambut akan keluar, kalau sempit, susah lah pulak…. As for jubah and shirt for men, the design is based on jubah design sold in Makkah or Madinah. However, the tailor is Malaysian, who has been tailoring in Arab Saudi for years…. Di samping itu kami akan memastikan material yang di gunakan bermutu tinggi…

Buat masa ini kami masih lagi sibuk building up our inventory….We have developed simple blog for online customers. At the moment, we have not uploaded the picture of our products into our blog. But we are planning to do it soon… Currently, Aini is writing about her experience performing hajj and umrah. Should you are interested to know more kindly visit our blog at

March 4, 2010

Blueberry Cake

I have been planning to bake blueberry cake. Last weekend, my sister in-law visited us, then I took this opportunity to bake this cake. I am using blueberry as the flavouring as it is tastier and taste better than the essence. I am trying my very best to use natural ingredients as flavouring ....

For vanilla cake, add seed from vanilla pods, for orange cake, add finely grated orange zest, for strawberry cake (the cake I baked last month) I added finely mesh strawberry and for this cake, I added finely mesh blueberry in the cake mix. And for the filling, I am using buttercream and blueberry jam. 

Anybody can make this cake, no sugarcraft techniques are required.... suitable for people like me... My sugarcraft techniques is very, very limited.... I need lots and lots of training to improve my skill further.... (Kena belajar banyak lagi dari sifu2 di Malaysia ni.... ). 

The closed up view.....