March 21, 2010

Spring Collection

"It's Springtime in Malaysia....Dream on...  Berangan lah....., kalau di Malaysia ni forever panas... Mungkin akan terus panas sampai April..... Ini baru panas di dunia... Bayangkan lah panas di akhirat nanti.... Takut bila memikirkannya.... "

Actually, I have chosen Springtime as the theme for my latest cake and cupcake decoration. My friend, Rose ordered vanilla cake for her beloved hubby and cupcakes for her children. She said she just want to have "makan-makan" with her family. Furthermore, her hubby and her son is going to Makkah for Umrah on Tuesday. She didn't have any specific theme, so its up to me... "Ini susah ni... nak kena fikir lah pulak.."

Since it is up to me, I have chosen springtime as the theme for the cupcakes. For the vanilla cake, I chose golf as the theme. Rose's hubby is an avid golfer.

This is the vanilla cake for Rose's hubby. For this cake I am using buttercream icing and figurine is non-edible figurine bought from one of the baking store.

This is the bunker.... One of my friend told me that she tought I celebrated St Patrick day, coz the color of the cake is sooo green. No, I don't celebrate St Patrick day....

The Spring Bloom and Laughing Ladybugs

Pink rosettes


Adam (Rose's son) is enjoying his cupcake....

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