October 29, 2012

Berkorban Apa Saja

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha untuk semua. Saya harap masih tidak terlambat, walaupun hari ni merupakan hari ini hari terakhir hari tashriq.

aklawa from Zam Zam Arabic Restaurant Section 9 Shah Alam

Raya tahun ni saya tak sempat masak satu pun juadah untuk hari raya. Untuk adik beradik di Gomabk saya cuma sempat belikan cookies raya dan ditambah dengan donuts from Dunkin Donut. Itu pun betul2 last minute plan. Saya tak apply cuti dan bekerja sepenuh masa pada hari khamis.

Gambar my rendang (belum betul2 kering) hari raya aidil fitri yang lalu.

Plan asal nak masak rendang malam tu, tapi tak kesampaian. Hubby tak sempat nak beli barang2 untuk buat rendang, dah lah tu, masa balik dari office petang tu jalan punya lah jam. Terpaksa berbuka di Petronas, Kesas Hwy. then kami berbuka puasa di luar, sampai rumah dah lambat. Entah kenapa malam tu saya rasa macam nak pitam, memang tak dapat nak masak apa pun.... Hrmmm ... Panjang
a href="https://www.facebook.com/pages/ZamZam"> ya alasan....

Lepas solat sunat hari raya, Akak, Adik dan saya pun bertolak ke Gombak. Sebelum tu sempat singgah di Dunkin Donut. Then terus ke Gombak. Kami dapat makan fresh rendang, ayam masak kuzi, nasi impit, lemang dan kari kepala ikan... Sungguh yummy dan mengenyangkan...

Dah kenyang minta izin balik, singgah pulak di Zam Zam Arabic Restaurant di Seksyen 9 Shah Alam. Beli Chicken and Lamb Mandy untuk di bawa balik ke Johor. Minta special pack, sebab nak bawa travelling balik yang tak tahu condition highway...

Balik, berkemas, dan selepas solat jumaat kami memulakan perjalanan ke Johor. Nasib baik jalan tak jem....

Esok nya Kakak saya sibuk masak Laksa Johor, our favourite!!!... Then di tambah dengan Lontong Goreng, haaa... Juadah ni hanya boleh di dapati di Johor

Laksa Johor Mak Ngah, yummy....

Lontong Goreng... Hasil air tangan truly yours....

Berkorban Apa Saja

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha untuk semua. Saya harap masih tidak terlambat, walaupun hari ni merupakan hari ini hari terakhir hari tashriq.

Baklawa from Zam Zam Arabic Restaurant Section 9 Shah Alam

Please click https://www.facebook.com/pages/ZamZam-Arabic-Restaurant-Section-9-Shah-Alam/227724717237899 for their facebook page.

Raya tahun ni saya tak sempat masak satu pun juadah untuk hari raya. Untuk adik beradik di Gomabk saya cuma sempat belikan cookies raya dan ditambah dengan donuts from Dunkin Donut. Itu pun betul2 last minute plan. Saya tak apply cuti dan bekerja sepenuh masa pada hari khamis.

Gambar my rendang (belum betul2 kering) hari raya aidil fitri yang lalu.

Plan asal nak masak rendang malam tu, tapi tak kesampaian. Hubby tak sempat nak beli barang2 untuk buat rendang, dah lah tu, masa balik dari office petang tu jalan punya lah jam. Terpaksa berbuka di Petronas, Kesas Hwy. then kami berbuka puasa di luar, sampai rumah dah lambat. Entah kenapa malam tu saya rasa macam nak pitam, memang tak dapat nak masak apa pun.... Hrmmm ... Panjang a href="https://www.facebook.com/pages/ZamZam"> ya alasan....

Lepas solat sunat hari raya, Akak, Adik dan saya pun bertolak ke Gombak. Sebelum tu sempat singgah di Dunkin Donut. Then terus ke Gombak. Kami dapat makan fresh rendang, ayam masak kuzi, nasi impit, lemang dan kari kepala ikan... Sungguh yummy dan mengenyangkan...

Dah kenyang minta izin balik, singgah pulak di Zam Zam Arabic Restaurant di Seksyen 9 Shah Alam. Beli Chicken and Lamb Mandy untuk di bawa balik ke Johor. Minta special pack, sebab nak bawa travelling balik yang tak tahu condition highway...

Balik, berkemas, dan selepas solat jumaat kami memulakan perjalanan ke Johor. Nasib baik jalan tak jem....

Esok nya Kakak saya sibuk masak Laksa Johor, our favourite!!!... Then di tambah dengan Lontong Goreng, haaa... Juadah ni hanya boleh di dapati di Johor

Laksa Johor Mak Ngah, yummy....

Lontong Goreng... Hasil air tangan truly yours....

October 28, 2012

Happy 25th Birthday Tashya


Happy Birthday Tashya

Chocolate cupcakes covered with ganache and topped with dark and white chocolate.

Thanks Noora

Posted via DraftCraft app

October 25, 2012

Chocolate Vanilla

Assalamualaikum. Are you Chocolate or Vanilla?

r /> Vanilla or Chocolat ?

If you are a Chocolate then,
You are dramatic, charming, and downright addicting.
You have a strong personality, and and people are drawn to your fabulousness.
You are stimulating and exciting. It's hard to get tired of you.
You are incredibly likable and popular. You live a glorious life.

If you are a Vanilla then,
You are a delightful, friendly person. You are optimistic about life and people.
You are enthusiastic and energetic. You enjoy everything you do.
You are cooperative and flexible. You get along with people from many walks of life.
You're not a show off. Instead, you're more likely to help other people shine.
(From http://www.blogthings.com/areyouchocolateorvanillaquiz/results)

So, sekarang boleh lah agak kita ni jenis chocolate vanilla... Saya suka makan chocolate, tapi tak semesti nya saya ni a chocolate person... Memang suka chocolate, especially the dark choc.

Last week my friend, Ros, ordered chocolate and vanilla cupcakes for her daughter, Nurul Aini's 13th birthday. We confirmed the order via i-message only... Tak jumpa pun... Well, we fully utilise the features available of current technology... Nasib baik tak boleh deliver the cuppies via internet, kalau boleh memang dah buat dah...

Ros told me her daughter loves pink and all stuff... So the cuppies were designed for teenager girl.... ...

Happy Birthday Nurul Aini

Posted via DraftCraft app

Chocolate Vanilla

Assalamualaikum. Are you Chocolate or Vanilla?

r />Vanilla or Chocolat ?

If you are a Chocolate then,
You are dramatic, charming, and downright addicting.
You have a strong personality, and and people are drawn to your fabulousness.
You are stimulating and exciting. It's hard to get tired of you.
You are incredibly likable and popular. You live a glorious life.

If you are a Vanilla then,
You are a delightful, friendly person. You are optimistic about life and people.
You are enthusiastic and energetic. You enjoy everything you do.
You are cooperative and flexible. You get along with people from many walks of life.
You're not a show off. Instead, you're more likely to help other people shine.
(From http://www.blogthings.com/areyouchocolateorvanillaquiz/results)

So, sekarang boleh lah agak kita ni jenis chocolate vanilla... Saya suka makan chocolate, tapi tak semesti nya saya ni a chocolate person... Memang suka chocolate, especially the dark choc.

Last week my friend, Ros, ordered chocolate and vanilla cupcakes for her daughter, Nurul Aini's 13th birthday. We confirmed the order via i-message only... Tak jumpa pun... Well, we fully utilise the features available of current technology... Nasib baik tak boleh deliver the cuppies via internet, kalau boleh memang dah buat dah...

Ros told me her daughter loves pink and all stuff... So the cuppies were designed for teenager girl.... ...

Happy Birthday Nurul Aini

Posted via DraftCraft app

Chocolate Vanilla

Assalamualaikum. Are you Chocolate or Vanilla?

r />Vanilla or Chocolat ?

If you are a Chocolate then,
You are dramatic, charming, and downright addicting.
You have a strong personality, and and people are drawn to your fabulousness.
You are stimulating and exciting. It's hard to get tired of you.
You are incredibly likable and popular. You live a glorious life.

If you are a Vanilla then,
You are a delightful, friendly person. You are optimistic about life and people.
You are enthusiastic and energetic. You enjoy everything you do.
You are cooperative and flexible. You get along with people from many walks of life.
You're not a show off. Instead, you're more likely to help other people shine.
(From http://www.blogthings.com/areyouchocolateorvanillaquiz/results)

So, sekarang boleh lah agak kita ni jenis chocolate vanilla... Saya suka makan chocolate, tapi tak semesti nya saya ni a chocolate person... Memang suka chocolate, especially the dark choc.

Last week my friend, Ros, ordered chocolate and vanilla cupcakes for her daughter, Nurul Aini's 13th birthday. We confirmed the order via i-message only... Tak jumpa pun... Well, we fully utilise the features available of current technology... Nasib baik tak boleh deliver the cuppies via internet, kalau boleh memang dah buat dah...

Ros told me her daughter loves pink and all stuff... So the cuppies were designed for teenager girl.... ...

Happy Birthday Nurul Aini

Posted via DraftCraft app

Chocolate Vanilla

Assalamualaikum. Are you Chocolate or Vanilla?

Vanilla or Chocolate??? If yor />
If you are a Chocolate then,
You are dramatic, charming, and downright addicting.
You have a strong personality, and and people are drawn to your fabulousness.
You are stimulating and exciting. It's hard to get tired of you.
You are incredibly likable and popular. You live a glorious life.

If you are a Vanilla then,
You are a delightful, friendly person. You are optimistic about life and people.
You are enthusiastic and energetic. You enjoy everything you do.
You are cooperative and flexible. You get along with people from many walks of life.
You're not a show off. Instead, you're more likely to help other people shine.
(From http://www.blogthings.com/areyouchocolateorvanillaquiz/results/?

So, sekarang boleh lah agak kita ni jenis chocolate vanilla... Saya suka makan chocolate, tapi tak semesti nya saya ni a chocolate person... Memang suka chocolate, especially the dark choc.

Last week my friend, Ros, ordered chocolate and vanilla cupcakes for her daughter, Nurul Aini's 13th birthday. We confirmed the order via i-message only... Tak jumpa pun... Well, we fully utilise the features available of current technology... Nasib baik tak boleh deliver the cuppies via internet, kalau boleh memang dah buat dah...

Ros told me her daughter loves pink and all girly stuff... So the cuppies were designed for teenager girl....

Happy Birthday Nurul Aini

October 17, 2012

Chocolate Marble Cake


Hari Ahad yang lepas teringin pulak nak makan Chocolate Marble Cake. Dah lama tak buat... Bila terasa nak buat, terus keluarkan barang2 dan buat lah apa yang patut di buat. Tak boleh tunggu... Kalau tunggu, memang tak buat lah jawabnya.

Chocolate Marble Cake

Marble cake ni sedap di makan masa panas2, especially selepas keluar dari oven, memang yummy...

Kali ni buat dalam acuan kecil, sebab nak hantar kat Aiman...

October 10, 2012

Happy Birthday Boss

Red Velvet for the Boss

Our Boss baru saja menyambut ulang tahun hari kelahiran yang ke 4? Semua kakitangan di bawah tanggung jawab Boss bersepakat nak buat birthday cum belated hari raya celebration. So, pada hari jumaat sebelum balik, Fadzilah dan Mazian minta tolong buatkan kek, bukan satu tapi dua. Satu untuk Boss dan satu lagi untuk yg lain2... Mazian has given me specific instruction on "wording" on the cakes.

For the Boss

Untuk Boss, saya sediakan kek Red Velvet yang lembut, di saluti dengan cream cheese frosting.

For the rest....

Dan, untuk kawan2 yang lain, saya sediakan Carrot & Pineapple cake. Selain dari carrot dan nenas, saya tambahkan kacang walnut yang rangup, juga di saluti dengan cream cheese frosting.

The reviews given by my colleagues were very encouraging especially the ones given by my Boss. Alhamdulillah...

October 9, 2012

Carrot n Pineapple Cupcakes


Balik dari makan kuey teow goreng di Radi Corner, USJ, sampai saja di rumah, saya basuh baju. Sementara, menunggu kain baju dalam washing machine siap untuk di jemur, saya sempat menghias cupcakes.

Carrot n pineapple cupcake adalah one of my favorite. Di tambah dengan kerangupan kacang walnut dan di hias dengan cream cheese frosting... Ini ada lah salah satu dari nikmat Allah... Alhamdulillah