September 23, 2011

Carrot and Pineapple Cupcake

Carrot & Pineapple cupcakes with cream cheese topping ready for delivery.... 

Buat lebih untuk makan sendiri... My sister datang visit from JB, so I buat extra... one box for Akak's best friend's open house and the extras untuk makan makan di rumah... 

Kena buat dua version, one with topping the other half without topping. My hubby likes Carrot cakes, but he hates topping... 


  1. Cik Lan jaga kesihatan..that's why he don't like topping...

  2. bile nk rase cupcakes cik azi lg ek??nk g shah alam xtau lg bile...

  3. Dayah, datang lah sini hari raya haji ni, kan cuti panjang
