June 28, 2011

Lilac and Pink Roses

Hujung bulan lepas, masa tu tengah lepak2 kat rumah my father di kampung, mata dah layu, tinggal nak tutup, tiba2 sms masuk.... "Fazy, u boleh tak buat engagement hantaran cupcake for my niece?" Lebih kurang begitulah bunyi sms from Shad.... 

Actually, Dalina (Shad's sister) requesting deco similar to my old design, cuma color lain. Instead of red and pink roses, she wanted lilac and pink roses as deco...

Actually, setiap color roses ni ada makna yang tersirat, different color different meaning... There is also meaning on the number of roses... ish, ish.... lepas ni kena berhati2 lah ye kalau nak bagi roses kat orang... Nanti kalau ada masa saya tulis tentang roses ni....

Mana2 yng belum berkahwin tu kalau terima 108 roses, kenalah fikir masak2 ya.... ia bermaksud "marry me"...

3 roses: "I Love You"
Lilac Rose: "The begining of true love"
Pink Rose: "romance, beauty, elegance, joy and admiration"

The cupcakes were packed in individul packaging complete with ribbon.

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