May 31, 2011

Eiqa n Acam

Happy Anniversary Eiqa and Acam

Eiqa ordered these cuppies to celebrate the anniversary with her bf Acam.... Eiqa kata deco macam mana pun tak apa asalkan ada nama dia and her bf.... so fikir punya fikir ini lah hasil cuppies for their special day...

Masa Eiqa collected the cuppies at home, I was not at home... So tak dapat jumpa both of them. We used to be neighbour, masa to Eiqa masih sekolah rendah... Selalu juga Eiqa melepak kat my house sebab Eiqa ni same age with my eldest daughter. Then, Eiqa's family moved to Poland sebab her father kena bertugas di sana dan kami sekeluarga pulak berpindah rumah...

I hope Eiqa suka dengan cuppies ni...

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