March 12, 2011

Chocolate Desire

"S T R E S S E D", if we spell it backward >>> "D E S S E R T S"!!!!!
and it tastes Yummmmyyyyyy!!!!

I realized one thing, every time I have a stressful day, I am craving for chocolate. I guess this is my stress-coping strategies.... Am I addicted to chocolate? Don't think so... but it does make me feel good... And study done by scientist proved that chocolate lowers stress biomarkers.

Chocolate Desire (One of my stress reliever)
Made of lots of cream cheese, dark chocolate, white chocolate, and oreo cookies

This is my interpretation of Chocolate Desire original recipe by Amy Heng.  I made some changes on the original recipe by replacing the praline crust with crushed oreo cookies combines with melted butter. Its rich, delicious,.... but don't over indulge.... There must be reason why I didn't fill up the glass full... 

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