November 28, 2010

Turquoise Wedding Theme

These lovely hearts and flowers are specially handmade for my niece wedding this weekend. Her theme wedding color is turquoise, and I have promised her that I will make wedding cake and her "hantaran" cake with the same theme color. I am planning to have the cake covered with turquoise white flowers and white hearts as deco.

Lovely hearts

Wild daisies

Wild flowers

Oxeye daisies

My niece indicated that se prefer to have daisy flower as deco. I did researhon daisy and find out that there are varieties of daisies. As stated in The Flower Expert "A Daisy symbolizes innocence and purity. It can also symbolize new beginnings. The flower meaning of daisy is “loyal love”, “I will never tell”".

For the "hantaran", I promised her that I will make a bag (cake) for her. To make a bag with turquoise and white theme for man is not easy. Well, just wait and see.... I am still doing research on bag for man...
This week will be a very busy week for me... I have a few deadlines at the office, and also deadline for the cakes... I am praying very, very hard so that I can complete all deadlines on time...

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