June 2, 2009

Bukit Jelutong Carnival

Last weekend I was at Bukit Jelutong Carnival. Thanks to Bob for allowing me to have one table in his booth to display my cupcakes and cookies. There were four team in one booth. Bob and his family were selling Halal German Sausage, Fauzan and his family were selling Char Koay Teow, Bard and his Ice Blended Gang were selling Ice Blended (what else...) and off course cupcakes & cookies by Afiqah, Batrisyia and I.

It was fun and most importantly the positive and encouraging feedback given by people visiting the booth. It boost up my confidence level... Ermmm... thinking of career change???? Oh... not now.... Well for now I will continue doing this on part time basis...

Afiqah and I have decided we wont be having sausage, char koay teow and ice blended for the whole month... We have enough for the whole weekend....

The local German sausages are superb!!!!

The Char Koay Teow is the best in town!!!

The mixed fruits ice blended is terrific!!!

Batrisyia is enjoying her cupcakes at the carnival.... yummy!!!

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  1. org nk promote cupcake..si kecik ni leh mkn lak cupcake kat dpn booth..ish3x...

  2. biasa lah dia... dia tengah promote lah tu... free advertisement...
