November 4, 2013

Chocolate Chips Cinnamon Rolls II

Chocolate Chips Cinnamon Rolls without glazed. 

Chocolate Chips Cinnamon Rolls

Warm Chocolate Chips Cinnamon Rolls glazed with cream cheese frosting. Its soo yummy.


August 29, 2013

Chocolate Chip Cookies Ice Cream Sandwich

One of our favourite desserts. Cukup mudah unutk membuatnya.

Gunakan Chocolate chips cookies kegemaran anda (cookies raya kan ada lagi, kalau tak ada chipsmore pun ok gak) dan ice cream kegemaran anda , chocolate, vanilla atau apa2 saja perisa ice cream. Scoop ice cream dan letak kan diantara dua keping cookies.... Taraaaa

Chocolate Chip Cookies Ice Cream Sandwich

August 28, 2013

Spaghetti Goreng Mamak Style

Hari ni teringin nak makan mee goreng mamak, tapi alangkah malangnya saya dan Akak allergy dengan mee kuning. Sakit perut, mungkin ada bahan bahan dalam mee kuning yang tak serasi dengan kami. So, terpaksalah kena creative sikit. Saya gantikan mee kuning dengan spaghetti. Perencah yang lain tetap sama dengan perencah mee goreng. 

Untuk mendapatkan texture yang sama dengan mee kuning, saya rebus spaghetti tu hingga lembut. Cara memasak spaghetti goreng mamak style ni sama dengan cara memasak mee goreng. 

Mee Goreng Mamak Style

Jemput makan....

July 31, 2013

Jom berinfak

Jom beramal jariah dengan berinfak untuk pembinaan surau SMK USJ 13.

Sumbangan boleh dibuat dalam bentuk tunai, kiriman wang pos, postal order atau bank draft (berpalang) atas nama: 
PIBG-Tabung Pembinaan Surau SMK USJ 13 

atau salurkan terus ke akaun:
CIMB Islamic : 1207-0000463-100

No rujukan LHDN: 01/35/42/51/179-6.7095 

Untuk sebarang pertanyaan, sila hubungi: 
Tn Hj Azalan Omar - 017-8830044
Tn Hj Azli Md Tan - 019-6681676

June 26, 2013

Banana Muffin, again???

Last weekend I baked banana muffins again. The muffins were specially baked for Qu, Akak's friend and for Mr Hubby's PTA meeting at Adik's school.

Hot fom the oven

You should try this at home. Warm muffin served with ice-cream... It is really yummeh!!!!

June 17, 2013

Spiderman Cake

Spidey in the house

Happy Birthday Aqil
This cake is made of chocolate moist cake, filled with chocolate ganache and covered with fondant. Thanks Arfa and Ida.

June 9, 2013

Red Velvet Cupcake

Red Velvet cupcake frosted with cream cheese frosting

Thanks Syafiq

Vanilla Cupcake

Vanilla cupcake frosted with vanilla flavoured buttercream frosting

Thanks Syafiq

May 27, 2013

Happy Birthday Azira

Rainbow Cake

Special birthday cake ordered for a special girl. Rainbow cake topped with cream cheese frosting.

May 20, 2013

Creamy Chicken Spaghetti


Sudah agak lama saya tak masak pasta. Semalam, anak2 bagitau dia orang nak makan Creamy Chicken Spaghetti. Anak2 memang gemarkan pasta ni. Kalau nak cuba, resipi pernah saya kongsikan di entry yang lepas, sila klick di sini

Selamat menjamu selera....

May 14, 2013

Ooo Nasi Goreng

Saya dan anak2 memang suka makan nasi goreng, tak kira lah nasi goreng kampung, nasi goreng pataya atau apa2 saja nasi goreng. Bila makan asyik bertambah tambah, non stop, lebih2 lagi bila di lengkapi dengan cili potong kicap. Siapa lalu kat belakang memang tak nampak...

Tapi bila check the calories for a plate of nasi goreng, terduduk di buatnya. 600++ kcal per plate of nasi goreng, banyak tu!!!! buat training almost 1 jam baru boleh burn calories sebanyak tu. Tak sanggup....

Jadi untuk mengurangkan rasa bersalah, saya gunakan olive oil untuk nasi goreng saya. Campurkan sayur2an kegemaran, dan tumbukkan ikan bilis banyak2. Bila makan tambahkan sayur sayuran seperti lettuce, tomato, timun dan segala jenis ulam. Kan jadi healthy food... 

Untuk anak anak, saya gorengkan chicken nugget sebagai makanan tambahan. So nasi goreng yang asalnya teramat simple now dah jadi a complete meal. Mudah kan...

May 12, 2013

Rainbow KitKat and M&M Cake

 Happy 24th Birthday Umira. 

This cake is made of rainbow cake filled with cream cheese filling, covered with chocolate cream cheese and decorated with Kit Kat and M&M chocolate. Thanks Shira.

Happy Birthday Ayah

We Love You, Ayah

Vanilla Cupcakes with vanilla butter cream frosting. Thanks Zarina

Happy Mother's Day

We Love You Mak

Carrot Pineapple Cupcakes decorated with cream cheese frosting ordered by Zarina for her mother. Thanks Zarina.

April 17, 2013

Breakfast of the day

Pagi ni tak tau apa nak makan. Setiap pagi tengok kat Cafe, makanan sama aje, pejam mata pun boleh tau makanan apa yang ada. So hari ni nak jadi adventurous sikit, tukar menu. Saya beli toast, telur dan sambal tumis.... Wallaaa... Ini lah my breakfast pagi ni...

April 15, 2013

Chicken Mushroom Spaghetti n Cekodok Pisang

Hari ni saya sempat masak juadah buka puasa buat saya dan Akak. Masak simple2 aje, bahan2 yg ada di pantry dan fridge. Apa yg tak ada, saya gantikan dengan bahan2 yang ada di rumah. Cheddar cheese block dah habis, tapi cheddar cheese slice ada, so kira ok lah. Mushroom soup dan ayam pun ada.

Pisang pun ada, so decided nak masak Chicken Mushroom Spaghetti dan cekodok pisang. Kalau inginkan recipe Chicken Mushroom Spaghetti sila layari . Cekodok pisang tu tak payah recipe lah ya. Saya pasti semua org pandai buat cekodok pisang ni.

Selain dari spaghetti dan cekodok, saya iringi juadah buka puasa kami dengan air Soya Cincau Ais. Alhamdulillah...

Happy Birthday Ayah

Special request from Syira for her father's birthday. Vanilla cupcakes decorated with vanilla buttercream and fondant alphabet. Thanks Syira.

Golf Theme Cake

This golf theme cake is a special order from Kak Raihana for her daughter's engagement ceremony. Moist chocolate cake covered with buttercream, decorated with fondant golf bag, sugar paste flowers and royal icing grass.

March 1, 2013

Wonder Woman Captain America Converse Shoe Cake

Adik wanted a Wonder Woman or Captain America theme Converse Shoes for her 13th birthday.  Unfortunately, this is a customized shoes and only available online. Sorry Adik, we can't buy the shoes in Malaysia, sob, sob....

So, on Adik's birthday, Akak, my eldest daughter suggested to decorate a converse shoes cake as Adik's birthday cake. I have no experience making a shoes cake, so instead of making a pair of Converse Shoes cake, we decided to do only one shoe.....

Converse All Star Wonder Woman Hi
The original Wonder Woman Converse Shoes. Courtesy of  All The Shoes

The original Captain America Converse Shoe. Courtesy of Converse

 With helped from Akak, we finally managed to complete the cake. Although the shoe was not looked exactly like the original shoes, but we both satisfied with the result (yaaaa.... we know there are lots of improvement need to be done......)

Wonder Woman 

Captain America
Wonder Woman and Captain America Shoe Cake

The cake is made with Strawberry cake and covered with fondant. 

February 19, 2013

Rainbow Cupcakes

The rainbow cupcakes were specially made for my friend's son's majlis aqiqah. I feel that rainbow cupcakes are the most suitable cupcakes as the cupcakes are so colorful and suitable for the children. I hope my friend's children love the cupcakes.

The cupcakes without the frosting.....

Rainbow cupcake with cream cheese frosting.....

Golden Wedding Cake

This cake was ordered by Rubaiha for her friend's wedding. It is vanilla buttercake filled with buttercream and strawberry filling and covered with fondant.

Thanks Rubaiha.......

February 3, 2013

Purple And White Roses

Purple and White Roses cake hantaran ordered by Shad for her brother-in-law engagement.

Red Velvet cake filled with cream cheese and covered with fondant.

Golden Wedding Cake for Fadz

Another request from Fadz for her wedding reception. Fadz wanted deco that matches her wedding reception theme, gold.

Red velvet cake and cupcakes filled with cream cheese and topped with golden flowers.