September 13, 2012

Hari Raya Gift


Pada bulan Ramadhan yang lalu ada seorang kawan minta tolong buatkan her Corporate Hari Raya gift. Kami buat confirmation via WhatsApp. Gambar dan sample was sent via email and WhatsApp...Menggunakan teknologi sebaik mungkin, hehehe. My friend requested for the cake to be delivered in wooden box. 

Alhamdulillah semuanya berjalan lancar.

Ini lah carrot cake ysng belum di hias....

Ini lah cake yang telah di hias...

Waiting to be delivered to customer

Ini lah the final product... Ready for delivery

Jam and Jellies for People with Diabetics

"dear xyxy... tau tak apa brand jam utk diabetic patient? dah cari semlm kat hock choon supermkt mcm xde je. wat does it normally state on the label?"

Saya dapat message ni dari seorang kawan di fb. Beruntung pesakit tu kan, sebab kawan saya amat perihatin tentang pemakananya. Bila saya baca, terasa sedih pulak, ye lah pada suatu masa dulu, ada beberapa ahli keluarga terdekat yang menghidap penyakit kencing manis ni tapi tak dapat nak menjaga mereka... 

So saya pun "googled" di internet. Nasib baik lah kawan saya MrG ni penuh dengan information. 

Ini adalah jawapan dari Yahoo Answers:

"All you need is NO SUGAR jams and jellies. it does not have to be specifically marked "DIABETIC". In fact, if it IS marked "Diabetic" you will probably pay more for it, but get no better results than if you bought the NO SUGAR type. 
Be careful, though. There is NO SUGAR and then there is NO SUGAR ADDED. NO SUGAR means >NO< sugar. NO SUGAR ADDED DOES have sugar already in it, and it WILL raise your blood sugars."

Then, saya jumpa Malaysian's website yang menjual Stute Diebetic Jam specialised for diabetics patient...

Saya juga terjumpa homemade jam recipe yang boleh di cuba di rumah. Lagi berkualiti sebab kita boleh control bahan2 yang kita guna. Untuk sesiapa yang menjaga pesakit diabetic, mungkin boleh mencuba recipe ini. 

Saya copy dan paste recipe di bawah:

Sugar Free Strawberry Jam

16 ounces frozen strawberries
1 1/2 teaspoons plain gelatin
2 tablespoons cold water
6 -10 packets Splenda sugar substitute (or equivalent in granular form)
1 -2 tablespoon water, if needed

Thaw strawberries.
In a bowl, soften gelatin in 2 tablespoons cold water.
If your strawberries are whole, crush them, or chop into small pieces.
Place strawberries into a heavy sauce pan, along with any any juices.
If they don't have much juice from thawing, add 1-2 tablespoons water.
Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer until strawberry pieces are softened.
Stir in softened gelatin until completely dissoved.
Remove from heat and stir in Splenda.
Chill well before serving.
10 Note: do not add too much water along with the strawberries, they will probably release enough moisture while heating.

Chocolate Marble Cake

Ini adalah salah satu dari cake yang tak jemu di makan. Hari hari makan cake ni pun ok.

Chocolate Marble Cake

September 9, 2012

Roti O Roti


Hari ni mengemas PC terjumpa gambar2 lama. Bila terjumpa gambar2 ni rasa nak buat roti pulak. Dah terlalu lama tak buat roti. My breadmaker pun dah lama tak berfungsi. Saya suka bau roti baru masak, wangi... Dan paling best tu bila bangun tidur pagi2 satu rumah berbau roti. Missed those moments....

My fav, White Bread

Another fav, Chocolate Chips Bread