November 20, 2011

Spicy Shrimp and Spaghetti Aglio Olio

Spicy Shrimp Spaghetti Aglio Olio

Spaghetti Aglio Olio ni memang senang sangat nak masak. Simple and easy, but tasty. Budak budak pun boleh buat. Bahan bahan yang di gunakan tak banyak, dan basic resipi untuk masakan seperti ini cuma minyak zaiton, bawang putih, cili dan spaghetti. Senang kan, cuma sekarang ni ramai dah made a twist to the basic recipe. 

Resipi ini amat lah sesuai untuk sesiapa yang sibuk dan tak sempat untuk masak tetapi ingin menghidangkan makanan yang berkualiti untuk famili.

Panaskan minyak zaiton menggunakan api yang sederhana besar. Masukkan bawang putih yang telah di cincang halus. Minyak zaiton ni tak tahan panas, sekejap aje dah panas, so kena jaga jangan sampai bawang putih hangus.

Masukkan chili flakes. Untuk yang gemarkan pedas, boleh di ganti dengan cili padi. Dan untuk mereka2 yang lebih adventurous, ganti kan dengan cili padi dan serbuk lada hitam. Berasap kepala.....  Saya pernah buat, dan memang lah pedas... Masa tu my Hubby nak makan something hot, anak2 pulak nak makan aglio olio, so saya pun buat dua version, satu mild dan satu lagi super hot (kalau kat menu tu banyak gambar cili). So I added cili padi and black pepper, and my Hubby said it was really hot, but for me it was ok... Jadi yang paling penting adalah mengikut citarasa masing masing.

Kemudian masukkan udang. Ikut cita rasa, udang besar, udang kecil, itu semua terpulang. Boleh di ganti dengan sotong, scallop, isi ayam, and etc.

Bila udang (atau scallop, ayam, sotong, atau apa2 saja menikut citarasa anda) dah masak, masukkan spaghetti. Oh ya, simpan sedikit air rebusan spaghetti untuk di campurkan dalam masakan. Air rebusan spaghetti ini akan meyebabkan perencah dan spaghetti sebati dan juga melembutkan spaghetti.  

Kemudian masukkan daun parsley yang telah di cincang halus. Gaul hingga sebati. Tambahkan garam dan lada hitam secukup rasa. Padamkan api.

Ini lah hasil nya setelah di taburkan dengan parmesan cheese yang di parut halus.... Enjoy!!!!

Bahan Bahan nya 

1 packet spaghetti (+-500 gm)
3 biji bawang putih
300 gm udang (kalau nak lebih lagi, tambah quantity)
2 cmt serbuk cili (chili flakes)
1 genggam daun parsley di cincang halus
minyak zaiton untuk menumis
garam dan serbuk lada hitam secukup rasa

Cara cara membuatnya

1. Rebus spaghetti sehingga masak. Toskan dan simpan sedikit air rebusan spaghetti tadi.

2. Tumiskan bawang putih dan tambahkan serbuk cili. Tumis sehingga masak.

3. Masukkan udang. Tumis lagi hingga masak.

4. Masukkan spaghetti dan di ikuti dengan daun parsley. Kacau.

5. Setelah masak, sekiranya terlalu kering, tambahkan sedikit air rebusan spaghetti. Tambahkan garam dan serbuk lada hitam secukup rasa.

6. Hidangkan. Lebih menyelerakan sekiranya ditabur dengan serbuk keju.

Sausage and Griddle Potatoes

Sausage and Griddle Potatoes 

Semalam my hubby nak makan sausage for dinner. He bought the sausages from Az-Zain, USJ 9. Then terfikir tak kan nak makan sausage saja saja without side dish. I was contemplated either to pasta or potato, but then dah lama tak masak potato. So decided masak griddle potatoes. 

Recipe ni I dapat dari 30-Minute Cookbook. Senang masak kentang ni, sekejap dah siap. 

Jom makan

Bahan bahan

2 biji bawang besar, di hiris nipis
500 gm kentang, cuci dan rebus bersama kulit
25 gm mentega dan 1tsb minyak zaiton untuk menggoreng
garam dan serbuk lada hitam secukup rasa

Cara cara membuatnya

1. Rebus kentang setengah masak. Rendam dalam air sejuk dan kupas kulit kentang. Kentang di hiris nipis.

2. Panaskan mentega dan minyak zaiton. Masukkan bawang dan bila naik bau, masukkan kentang. Balik balikkan kentang dan pastikan kentang masak dan garing. 

3. Masukkan garam dan serbuk lada hitam secukup rasa. Padamkan api.

November 19, 2011

Baked Macaroni and Cheese

Mac and Cheese

Minggu lepas Akak nak makan Macaroni and Cheese. So, I pun selongkar buku recipe and my favorite recipe book for pasta (dan yang sewaktu dengannya) is "Pasta" by Linda Fraser. 

Pasta by Linda Fraser

Baked Macaroni and Cheese

Ini pulak my version of Macaroni and Cheese....

 Sama tak dengan gambar  dalam buku??? Mine agak garing.........


Bahan bahan

2 cawan susu
Sedikit serbuk buah pala (nutmeg)
4 tsb mentega
1/3 cawan tepung gandum
1 1/2 cawan Parmesan atau Cheddar Cheese yang telah di parut (atau campuran).
1/3 cawan serbuk roti
450 gm macaroni
garam dan serbuk lada hitam secukup rasa

Cara cara menbuatnya

1. Panaskan susu dan serbuk nutmeg, jangan sampai mendidih.

2. Panaskan mentega di dalam periuk, masukkan tepung dan kacau menggunakan wire whisk. Masak lebih kurang 2 -3 minit tapi jangan sampai mentega hangus. Tapiskan susu dan tuang didalam adunan mentega dan kacau lagi. Biarkan mendidih selama 4 -5 minit dan sentiasa kacau.

3. Masukkan garam dan serbuk lada hitam secukup rasa. Masukkan keju kedalam adunan dan tinggalkan dalam 2 tsb keju (untuk di taburkan di atas macaroni). Kacau di atas api kecil sehingga keju cair. Angkat dari api dan tutupkan dengan plastic untuk mengelakan adunan menjadi keras. Biarkan seketika. 
4. Panaskan oven sehingga 400F (200C). Gris casserole dan taburkan sebahagian dari serbuk roti.

5. Masak macaroni dalam air mendidih sehingga masak (al dente).

6. Toskan macaroni dan campurkan sos keju. Tuangkan ke dalam casserole dan taburkan lebihan keju dan serbok roti. Bakar di dalam oven selama 20 minit atau sehingga keperang perangan.

November 10, 2011


Last Thursday rasa malas sangat nak pergi kerja. Actually I memang minta cuti half day everyday from Wednesday until Friday. My father was visiting us and was at home. So I decided that I have to be at home in the evening and will cook dinner for him until Friday. On Friday he went back to our hometown in Pontian.

Even though I felt soo malas, I pi juga kerja. Drove until Kesas and realised that my tyres were flat. So, I dropped by at Petronas Awan Besar. Kena isi angin lah pulak. I bernasib baik sebab Mat Bangla kat Petronas tu tolong I. Tapi hati masih rasa tak best, I guessed mungkin sebab I akan lambat sampai office. Continue driving, turned to MEX, then ambil jalan Sungai Besi, turn to Jalan Istana. 

This was where the problem started. One of the tyres punctured. Alamak!!! So I switched my hazard signal "ON" and tried slowly to go to the emergency lane. Traffic was heavy, in fact it was crawling. Suddenly, I saw a motorbike flying and bang! the  motorbike hit my car. And I saw two bodies were thrown from the motorbike. Oh no!!! I managed to park my car at the emergency lane. A young guy and gal, both were not seriously injured, but there were bruises on their legs and hands. 

Budak lelaki tu mengamuk dan keep on cursing me, macam2 lah, but I managed to keep cool and told him, whatever it is we have to make police report. Tak lama lepas tu, ada a few motorbikes and one suv arrived at the scene. Father, brothers and sisters. I was lucky the father arrived at the scene, kalau tak entahlah. 

Ini lah motorbike yang langgar I. Yang ramai2 tulah their siblings

After I gave them some money for their medical treatment, a Pajero of PDRM passed by and they stopped dan dengan ramahnya they offered to replace my tyre. I betul2 rasa bersyukur... They managed to replace the tyre in less than 1/2 hour.

To En Salidon, En Faizal and the other 2 policemen, saya ucapkan jutaan terimakasih.... Kalau tak ada encik2 semua, mesti teruk saya kena.

I have made police report, already informed the insurance and now just waiting for the car to be "admitted" at the workshop.

Side mirror pecah, body and doors dented....

Sekarang ni my car ada di rumah... bila nak repair ya, susah lah nak pergi kerja....

November 8, 2011

Eid Al-Adha Mubarak

Eid Al-Adha (Hari Raya  Aidil Adha) masih belum selesai. Hari ni 12th Zulhijjah, thats mean, esok will be the last day to celebrate hari raya. Seronok ke celebrate raya tahun ni? Kami sekeluarga tak pergi kemana mana pun. My father celebrate raya tahun ni di rumah kami, so tahun ni lain sikit suasana raya. Year in year out, setiap kali raya mesti balik kampung, tapi tahun ni lain sikit sebab Abang nak ambil SPM tahun ni. So kami decided to just celebrate Eid in Shah Alam. 

I have decided that I want to cook ketupat complete with the dishes. So, after Suboh on Saturday morning, my beloved hubby and I went to Pasar Tani. Banyak nak beli barang. Beli daging, hati dan limpa for rendang. Recipe rendang minang ni I belajar from arwah my mother in law. I sempat belajar masak rendang and masak lemak cili api. Setiap tahun mesti masak rendang, mesti a few kilos of daging. 

Inilah daun ketupat beli di pasar tani. 

Org yg jual tu claimed ada 100 helai, tapi bila dah anyam ketupat ada 90 helai jer, itu pun bukan semua boleh jadi ketupat. Ada yg besar and mostly kecil, nak anyam pun susah. Eh lupa pulak nak amil gambar masa anyam ketupat. So dapatlah buat dalam 80 biji ketupat... 

Sambil anyam ketupat, kami masak rendang. 4 kilos daging, 1 kilo hati dan sekeping limpa, boleh tahan juga banyak tu. 

Inilah rendang, belum cukup masak lagi.

Ini gambar close up..... masih lagi di kuali

The final product

Kami ada juga rendang ayam

Tidak ketinggalan, sayur lodeh. Tak boleh makan ketupat without lodeh, nak kuah sikit

Sambal goreng, the favorite

Sambal kacang is also a must have dish for raya

Dan sudah semestinya ketupat

By tengahari, makanan kami bertambah, neighbor sebelah rumah bagi ketupat daun palas and kari daging, while neighbor belakang rumah bagi laksa Johor. Yummehhh.

Dan tak ketinggalan, on the 2nd day of hari raya we must have this for breakfast

Jemput2 ikan bilis, makan cicah dengan rendang, nikmat nya hidup.....

Recipe for jemput2 ikan bilis nanti I share di lain entry ya.... Kali ni tak sempat buat cake. Tapi I buat cake on the 7th November sebab nak celebrate Akak's birthday.

November 4, 2011

Thinking Too Much Could Make You Fat

Despite the low energy cost of mental work, students who participated in the research consumed 23.6 per cent more calories after intellectual tasks  Photo: ALEXANDER BRATTELL

Pagi ni I agak free sikit after a few months busy with office works and most of my papers were already submitted to my boss for approval. Legaa... So pagi ni dok mengemas my external hard disk. I have to copy all my files from the old hard disk to a new hard disk. Hard disk lama tu dah mula meragam, some of the files dah tak boleh nak access... Masa mengemas tu terjumpa satu article, very interesting... I copied from somewhere in 2009, eh dah lama tu, 2 years ago....Sekarang ni persoalan, kenapa lately berat I semakin naik dah terjawab, hehehe.. Cari alasan tu...

So here is the answer:


Researchers found the stress of thinking caused overeating with heavy thinkers seeking out more calories.
The research team, supervised by Dr Angelo Tremblay, measured the spontaneous food intake of 14 students after each of three tasks.
The first was relaxing in a sitting position, the second reading and summarizing a text, and finally completing a series of memory, attention, and vigilance tests on the computer.
After 45 minutes at each activity, participants were invited to eat as much as they wanted from a buffet.
The researchers had already discovered that each session of intellectual work requires only three calories more than the rest period.
However, despite the low energy cost of mental work, the students spontaneously consumed 203 more calories after summarizing a text and 253 more calories after the computer tests.
This represents a 23.6 per cent and 29.4 per cent increase, respectively, compared with the rest period.
Blood samples taken before, during, and after each session revealed that intellectual work causes much bigger fluctuations in glucose and insulin levels than rest periods.
Jean-Philippe Chaput, the study's main author, said: "These fluctuations may be caused by the stress of intellectual work, or also reflect a biological adaptation during glucose combustion."
The body could be reacting to these fluctuations by spurring food intake in order to restore its glucose balance, the only fuel used by the brain.
Mr Chaput added: "Caloric overcompensation following intellectual work, combined with the fact we are less physically active when doing intellectual tasks, could contribute to the obesity epidemic currently observed in industrialised countries.
"This is a factor that should not be ignored, considering that more and more people hold jobs of an intellectual nature."
The results of the study, carried out at Universite Laval in Quebec, Canada, are published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine.


Segalanya sudah terjawab. From now on, I have to do less thinking... Kalau tak nanti I tak boleh masuk rumah pulak, sebab dah terlalu gummuckkkssss....

November 3, 2011

Banana Walnut Cake

Banana Walnut Cake

I baked this cake last week. I made extra for my office mates and everybody was loving it.  

Big Bad Wolf Part 1

Courtesy of Shopping n Sales


Dah lama sangat tak update blog ni. The last time I posted an entry was almost a month ago. It was about the demise of Steve Jobs. I was so busy with lots of paper work that need to be completed before mid of November. The big boss doesn't want to approve any requisition after mid of November, so everything should be completed by early November. Banyak sangat papers, so tak sempat nak post any entry. Hari2 mengusung my lappy pergi dan balik kerja. Sometimes kat rumah, kalau tak mengantuk buat jugak lah kerja2 office, tapi kalau mengantuk tu kirim salam jer lah. 

So hari ni dah tak boleh nak buat any paper lagi. Kepala dah tepu, badan pun dah sakit2. Dah tua.... A few years ago bukan main lagi, kadang2 tak balik rumah, duduk kat office sebab nak habis kan kerja. Balik pun dah dekat subuh, sampai rumah mandi, solat subuh, siap2 dan pergi office balik. Sekarang dah tak larat nak buat macam tu lagi, dah tua sangat... Anyway, with current technology, we can do our work from anywhere and anytime. The most important is our deliverable.... Kalau ada SIRI bagus gak... SIRI,  is a personal assistant application for iOS. Feature for iPhone 4S tu lah. Now dah pasang angan2 nak beli iPhone 4S lah pulak. Tapi kalau ada pun, faham ke SIRI dengan our Manglish? I can't pronounce the words as American.... I was a  student at American Language Institute, but only for one semester. And most of my classmate were fellow students from Malaysia, so cakap bahasa Melayu dalam class. Nasib baik lepas Michigan Test and TOEFL. Kalau tak lepas tak dapat lah nak sambung degree kat U.... hahaha.... 

Eh jauhnya melencung.... Dalam sibuk2 ni sempat gak bawa my daughters went to Big Bad Wolf book fair at MAEPS Serdang. We went there twice. We went on Sat 15th Oct in the afternoon. My Hubby drove us there, and we were given about 1 hour to spent at the expo, coz he was rushing to PD. 1 hour at book fair? He must be kidding. So we went in and he waited for us in the car.

Nak masuk dalam kena que, it was really hot and the que was quite long... 

Muka2 menahan panas..... Panas giler!!!!

Nasib baik dapat masuk... So we went in, and I told my daughters to just grab any book. We took 1 box and just picked any books yang ada di depan mata. Dalam masa tak sampai 1/2 jam kami dapat grab 25 buku... Just ambil mana yang berkenan...

Tak larat nak angkat, tolak jer ke payment counter.....Berat....

We paid and out from the hall. Believe it or not, we only spent about 1/2 hour from the moment we entered the hall until we settled the payment!!! Express shopping... and my wallet was RM250++ lighter... 25 books for only RM250++ That's really, really cheap...

 25 books.... 

Adik with her collection....

 My collection......

Bila nak baca ni??????

The Japan Diet???? Biar betul....

Sakit tangan angkat buku2 ni....

Purchases on the 2nd day will be in the next entry