January 30, 2011

Cucur Badak and Pulau Carey

My Hubby's staff gave two packets of frozen cucur badak last weekend, before they went to Pulau Carey for golfing. Pulau Carey is famous for the great seafood and the indigenous Mah Meri (pronounced Mak Miri) people who have a reputation for some of the world's finest wooden mask. I never been to Pulau Carey, and never tasted the seafood overthere. One day I must visit this island....

Frozen Cucur Badak

Cucur Badak, yummy

The verdict: Not bad.... But I think the Cucur Badak would be nicer or tastier with a bit of chillies added to make it spicier.


January 23, 2011

Alcohol Substitutions in Halal Cooking

As Muslim, cooking with alcohol is not an option, haram.... Jadi masakan dan makanan yang kita makan kena pastikan ianya adalah halal. Firman Allah yang bermaksud: "Hai orang-orang yang beriman, makanlah di antara rezeki yang baik-baik yang Kami berikan kepadamu dan bersyukurlah
kepada Allah, jika benar-benar hanya kepada-Nya kamu beriman." (al-Baqarah: 172)

 Tapi sesetengah recipe mengandungi alcohol. Agak memeningkan bila nak masak kan... Nak ganti dengan apa ye? Seperti biasa saya membuat rujukan di internet, bukan setakat bahan rujukan untuk kerja2 di office, bahan masakan dan macam2 lagi saya cari di internet. Susah kalau tak ada internet ni....

Saya terjumpa beberapa websites yang promote masakan secara halal dan bahan2 halal yang boleh digunakan sebagai bahan ganti untuk alcohol. Untuk western food, alcohol ini deperlukan untuk menyedapkan rasa masakan. Bagi penggemar masakan ini, tentulah agak susah untuk menikmati makanan ini sebab ia mengandungi bahan2 yang tidak halal.

Websites yang telah saya baca adalah:
1. Chef Yusuf website. Di sini Chef Yusuf berkongsi info dalam pentingnya memasak dan myediakan makanan dalam Islam. I found this website is very, very informative.

2. My Halal Kitchen. Di sini pemilik blog ini menulis dan berkongsi pendapat tentang masakan, makanan dan dapur yang halal.  

Di sini saya "copy and paste"  dari About.com Home Cooking. jadual mengenai bahan2 ganti untuk bahan alcohol. Malangnya buat masa ini saya tidak dapat mengalih bahasa ke Bahasa Melayu. Insyaallah, kalau ada masa, saya akan alihbahasa ke Bahasa Melayu.   

Alcoholic Ingredient
Italian almond-flavored liqueur
Almond extract.
Beer or ale
Various types.
For light beers, substitute chicken broth, ginger ale or white grape juice. For heavier beers, use a stronger beef, chicken or mushroom broth or stock. Non-alcoholic beers may also be substituted.
Liquor made of distilled wine or fruit juice.
Scotch or bourbon. If a particular flavor is specified, use the corresponding fruit juice, such as apple, apricot, cherry, peach, raspberry etc. or grape juice. Corresponding flavored extracts can be used for small amounts.
Apple brandy
Apple juice concentrate or juice.
Black raspberry liqueur
Raspberry juice, syrup or extract.
Sparkling white wine.
Sparkling white grape juice, ginger ale, white wine.
Light red wine or Bordeaux.
Non-alcoholic wine, diluted currant or grape juice, cherry cider syrup.
Aged, double-distilled wine or fermented fruit juice. Cognac is considered the finest brandy.
Other less expensive brandies may be substituted, as well as Scotch or whiskey, or use peach, apricot or pear juice.
French, orange-flavored liqueur.
Orange juice concentrate or regular orange juice that has been reduced to a thicker consistency.
Liqueur made from bitter Seville oranges.
Orange juice frozen concentrate or reduced fresh orange juice.
Creme de menthe
Thick and syrupy, sweetened mint liqueur. Comes both clear and green.
Mix spearmint extract or oil with a little water or grapefruit juice. Use a drop of food coloring if you need the green color.
French raspberry liqueur.
Raspberry juice or syrup.
Italian hazelnut liqueur.
Hazelnut or almond extract.
Golden Italian anise liqueur.
Licorice extract.
Grand Marnier
French liqueur, orange-flavored.
Orange juice frozen concentrate or reduced fresh orange juice.
Italian grape brandy.
Grape juice or reduced red wine.
Pomegranate syrup, sometimes alcoholic.
Pomegranate syrup or juice.
Hard Cider
Fermented, alcoholic cider.
Apple cider or juice.
Syrupy Mexican liqueur made with coffee and cocoa beans.
Strong coffee or espresso with a touch of cocoa powder.
Kirsch (Kirchwasser)
Colorless liqueur made of cherries.
Black cherry, raspberry, boysenberry, currant, or grape juice or syrup, or cherry cider.
Red Burgundy
Dry French wine.
Non-alcoholic wine, red wine vinegar, grape juice.
Red wine
Sweet or dry wine.
Non-alcoholic wine, beef or chicken broth or stock, diluted red wine vinegar, red grape juice diluted with red wine vinegar or rice vinegar, tomato juice, liquid from canned mushrooms, plain water.
Liquor distilled from molasses or sugar syrup.
For light rum, use pineapple juice flavored with almond extract. For dark rum, use molasses thinned with pineapple juice and flavored with almond extract. Or use rum extract flavoring.
Fermented rice drink.
Rice vinegar.
Flavored, colorless liquor.
Use corresponding flavored extract such as peppermint, peach, etc.
Fortified dessert wine, sweet or dry, some with a slightly nutty flavor.
Orange or pineapple juice.
Southern Comfort
Bourbon mixed with peach liqueur.
Peach nectar mixed with a little cider vinegar.
Liquor made of the agave plant.
Cactus nectar or juice.
Triple Sec
Orang-flavored liqueur.
Orange juice frozen concentrate or reduced fresh orange juice.
Wine-based drink infused with herbs, sweet or dry.
For sweet, use non-alcoholic sweet wine, apple or grape juice or balsamic vinegar. For dry, use non-alcoholic white wine, white grape juice or white wine vinegar.
Whiskey (whisky)
Distilled liquor.
Bourbon, Scotch and whiskey may be used interchangably. Small amounts may be eliminated. Large amounts cannot be effectively substituted.
White Burgundy
Dry French wine.
Non-alcoholic wine, white grape juice diluted with white wine vinegar.
White wine
Sweet or dry wine.
Non-alcoholic wine, chicken broth or stock, diluted white wine vinegar or cider vinegar, white grape juice diluted with white wine vinegar, ginger ale, canned mushroom liquid, water. For marinades, substitute 1/4 cup vinegar plus 1 Tbsp sugar plus 1/4 cup water.

January 20, 2011

Butter Cake

Today, I bake Butter Cake just to clear off my butter and eggs. I love soft and moist butter cake, but none of my children like it. They prefer chocolate cake. Although I love to decorate cake, for this cake I prefer to keep it simple, no topping, no filling and no fuss cake. 


January 16, 2011

Choc Indulgence for Anis Nadiya

 Anis wanted Choc Indulgence cupcakes exactly similar to my previous cupcake. Same topping and same design.....

Anis, these cuppies are yours.... Enjoy!!!!

Thanks Hanis

January 10, 2011

Elmo, Sesame Street


sung by Elmo (Kevin Clash)

Beedly-doo dee doo dee doo dee doo dee doo dee doo,
Elmo knows a little secret for whenever things go wrong,
It makes you feel much better when a bad day comes along.
Just take a breath, lift up your head, and stand up tall and strong,
Let out a big BE-DOODLE, as you sing this little song.

Bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum-dee-ay,
Bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum, it's such a good thing to say,
Bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum, makes sad things go away,
Bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum-dee-ay.

Da da da da da da da,
It's so easy, you can do it almost anywhere at all,
Be-doodle in the kitchen, or be-doodle in the hall,
Be-doodle in your bathtub, or be-doodle on the phone,
Be-doodle in a marching band, or doodle all alone.

Bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum-dee-ay,
Bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum, it's such a good thing to say,
Bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum, makes sad things go away,
Bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum-dee-ay.

Da da da da da da da,
Elmo woke up feeling grouchy, he was grumpy as a bear,
He tried to find some niceness, but his niceness wasn't there,
But quickly he remembered what to do when things go wrong,
He let out a big BE-DOODLE, and stayed happy all day long!

Bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum-dee-ay,
Bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum, an excellent thing to say,
Bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum, makes sad things go away,
Bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum-dee-ay.

Transcribed by Jen Finlayson

For more Elmo Song, kindly click here.

Everybody loves Elmo, the fire-engine red dynamo monster. 

Qu, thanks.....

January 9, 2011

Chocolate Indulgence

The forgiven sin...... sinfully chocolaty (is there such  a word???)......


Chocolate Indulgence
 Chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting and white chocolate topping. Yummyyyyy.......

Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011

Happy New Year!!!

I ended 2010 with this cake, made specially for chocolate lover

Double Chocolate Gateau
Chocolate, chocolate and chocolate......

And I started with 2011 this cake

Red Velvet

Red, red and red.....

Please click here if you want to know more about Red Velvet Cake.

January 4, 2011

Black and Gold 50th Birthday Cake

A week before Christmas, I received phone call from Akak's friend, Naadira. She wanted Black and Gold birthday cake for her Dad and in the shape of "5 0". The birthday party was only a week away, which was on Christmas day. And I only have 1 week to prepare everything!!!

"The Golden 5 0"

Initially, Naadira and her mom can't decide on the deco for the cake. Finally, her mom agreed to have deco related to golf. I wanted to have simple deco but masculine. Black and gold cake with golf deco, I felt that I will have problem to present the cake. I always think that golf related deco must have green as the back ground.

Black and Gold golf bag

Iron and wood


Dad, you are the best

(Finally, I managed to put a green patch on the cake board......)

Golf Balls

Happy Birthday Dad