February 9, 2009

I baked this cake for my daughter's friend. The based is choc moist, and I am using fondant for the icing.

Cake Hantaran

Nadia ordered this cake for her engagement as "kek hantaran". Nadia told me the theme colors are white and off white. The ordered was made less than a week from the engagement date... Kelam kabut juga lah.... Dah lah tu stock kat rumah dah berkurangan dan masa tu sibuk nak balik Johor...

Tapi seronok buat cake ni.... I like to decorate cake with fondant, walaupun teruk sikit nak menguli.... So ini lah hasil dari kerja keras menguli.... tapi hiasan menggunakan ready made roses.

February 8, 2009

Birthday Cupcakes

Arfa from the office ordered these cuppies for her aunt's birthday last month just before Chinese New Year. Thanks Arfa. Sebenarnya masa buat tu tak ada idea nak decorate, luckily my dear hubby bagi idea.... Well, he is the biggest critics... Tapi critic yang membina... Arfa pesan dia nak cuppies yang sesuai untuk orang dewasa tapi tema is up to me. Masa tu benar-benar buntu....

Lega rasa bila Arfa beritau cuppies habis di makan. For the cuppies I used choc moist as the based with buttercream icing. Nasib baik masa tu ada stock fondant butterfly dan ready made roses ada di rumah...